Friday, April 29, 2011


Interweb dating is fun, awkward, hilarious, uncomfortable, boring, creepy and everything in between. I do it because well, maybe I'm a sucker for masochism? Who knows?! 

Today I'd like you all to meet a young man who calls himself "LOVESALLWOMEN69". Apparently, he's single and wants to meet moi! ::gushes:: His screen name alone was enough to bring the LOLz. Of course, my curiosity got the best of me. Oh, and it got better. The attached photos are real, folks! He's a top secret man with hella dolla dolla bills y'all. His interests include: life, love, obtaining wealth, fishing, health and camping. I don't even know what else to say? Does this guy really think he's gonna land a nice lady with a screen name like that and those pictures!? Shit, I'm almost tempted to contact him just for the jokes. I'm not going to because I'm not that masochistic.....or mean. I mean, I am blogging about him, but all press is good press....right?!?

Honestly though, is this what's out there? I will give LOVESALLWOMEN69 mad props for originality. This is the first time I've seen a guy flashin' hella dolla bills in front of the Eiffel Tower and rockin' a picture that says "GETTIN THI$ CA$H". I don't even know what else to say. I'm gonna go make some iced coffee now and hope I don't choke on it from all the LOLz this gentleman has brought me today.

Good luck on your search for your Queen, LOVESALLWOMEN69!

KY over and out!

Ps, I forgot to mention he's from Atlantic City. Le sigh.....